So I know there's been some confusion re: Mikey's and my move back to Buffalo and some vague references I've made to "health issues" so I guess I'll come clean. I'm realizing recently that I am surrounded by amazing friends and family who care about me and I should be honest about what has been going on. Please know that I didn't tell many people because I didn't want to upset anyone else, so I was waiting until I finally had some good news.
The day before Mikey's last day at Tekserve, my doctor found a lump in my neck and recommended I see an endocrinologist.
After over a month of tests and biopsies, she discovered that I had thyroid cancer. It seems that my levels had been low for years, but my doctor never questioned it because I was losing weight (I have conflicting feelings about this, but I won't get into that now). My endocrinologist was shocked that I had lost over 100lbs with levels so low. I guess that shows what determination and a good weight loss program can do (you know I had to get a WW plug in there).
Anyway, on August 10th, I had surgery to remove my thyroid. The recovery has been physically pretty painless, but the emotional effects have been rough.
Thankfully, my mom was with me for the first week because Mikey had to start working, so we could get health insurance.
Unfortunately, we had to give up our apartment because we couldn't afford rent while paying for cobra. This is why I've been staying on Justin's couch in Brooklyn. Since Ruby has gone ahead to Buffalo to stay with my parents while I deal with all of this, Dr. Donuts PhD (shown in my picture above) has been counseling me through these rough times.
Aaaaanyway, on Friday, my endocrinologist gave me the news that the cancer has not spread and this should not even affect my quality of life!
I guess that if Tony Bennett can leave his heart in San Francisco, I can leave my thyroid in New York. I'm just growing concerned that being hit by a car (1990), standing a block & a half away from wtc on 9/11 (2001), going into anaphylactic shock randomly from eating pistachios (2003), escaping an apartment building fire (2006) and now surviving thyroid cancer, I'm thinking that I'm probably running short on lives at this point.
So I apologize for not telling everyone or explaining why we never had a big "going away gathering". I was scared and angry and definitely not feeling very sociable. Moving away from NYC is difficult enough, but not knowing if I'd ever see some friends again was overwhelming.
Now I know that I'm ok and can see everyone, Mikey and I hope to see more of you when we visit. Is it bad that I'm glad to have follow up appointments, so I have an extra excuse to come back?
So that is my story.
Until we're back for a visit, you can always find me on fb, twitter, email or by phone. I'm keeping my 212 phone number, btw. I find it quite appropriate that you have to dial a NYC area code to contact me in Buffalo.