Sunday, January 2, 2011

Rest in Peace

The other day, I submitted a couple pix to jacksh*t’s blog for my W.i.d.t.h.  i love this idea so much, So while discussing Halloween decorations with his nemesis and my friend suzistorm, I came up with a really exciting idea and I want to share it.

Throughout this journey to get myself healthy, I have had to do an equal amount of exercise for my body and for my brain. In the process, I have had to "lay to rest" many of my bad habits, physically and emotionally.

As part of my Halloween decorating, I'm going to make tombstones of all the habits or excuses I have had to eliminate from my life.

I would like you to do the same! These are the behaviors and influences that have kept us from achieving our goals. this doesn’t have to be about weight. it can be about work, school, relationships - whatever you need to eliminate from your life to be the person you deserve to be. 

This is going to be an ongoing theme throughout october, where i will occasionally upload a pic and give further explanation.

email me your picture: 

I'll post it in my tombstone gallery here.

*Make sure you tell me if you'd like your name and a link attached*

Also, if you don't feel comfortable, let me know and I'll make one for you.

I'm really excited to see what we come up with!